This is a much simpler customer listing report. It shows the Customer ID, the Customer name and address information, the telephone number, the Customer’s Credit Status and Credit Limit, and the Territory Code and Salesperson ID assigned to each Customer. The only option to customize this report is to print by Territory Code. This report can be exported to Excel for added functionality. When you enter this module, the screen will appear as follows:
At the Customer ID (1) field, the system will default to **All** Customers. To print for a specific customer, click the Customer ID button to make a selection. At the Territory (2) field, use the drop-down arrow to print for specific Territory, or leave the default for **All** Territories. The Salesperson (3) field will also default to **All**. To print for a specific Salesperson, use the drop-down arrow to make a selection. The Customer Type (4) field is tied to the Customer Type Maintenance option in the Customer Maintenance module. If these have been set up, you can use the drop-down arrow to select a specific Customer Type. The next option (5), Only Print Customers With Credit Limit, when checked, will only include Customers showing a Credit Limit in the Customer Maintenance module. When you have made your selections, click the Excel icon to export the data, or click the Print button to print out.