Customer Status Inquiry

Customer Status Inquiry

This module will allow you to view a Customer’s credit information as well as all the Open Items on their account, including Deposits, and also allow you to add Notes to individual Invoices. It is very useful module for the accounting department to quickly view Customer account information. Any Customer Notes added in the Customer Maintenance or Customer Deposit Inquiry modules can be pulled up from this module. When you first enter this module, the system will prompt the Customer Selection box. Highlight the desired Customer ID and click the Select button to continue. A Customer Invoice Credit Lookup Screen will appear as follows:

At the top left of the screen, you will see an Excel icon. All the data you see within this screen can be exported to Excel. In the box (1) closest to the Excel icon, the Customer’s name, address, email, etc., entered in the Customer Maintenance module will display. The Contact (2) button also pulls data entered in Customer Maintenance, along with the fields at the top of the box (3) to the right of the Contacts button. The fields (4) just below provide crucial account data, including the On Order Balance and the Deposits total, providing a quick picture of what the Customer truly owes at a glance by subtracting the Deposits total from the On Order Balance. The Average Pay Days field is tied to a Company Control 4 level option that will allow you to select how many months of history to use in order to determine this figure. See System Maintenance manual for setup details. That control appears as follows: A/R Avg Pay Days Month.

The Notes (5) icon will prompt the Ship To Notes feature where you can view and add new Notes. All of the items listed in the main screen are individual items on the Customer’s account, the total of which create the account data at the top of the screen. Most columns are self-explanatory. Click on the header for each column to sort the display by that column’s data. An “*” next to an Item Number denotes Invoice Notes exist. The Beg. Balance column displays the beginning amount of the Open Item when it was first added or created in the system. The Curr Balance column displays the current amount of the Open Item. The Lien column displays a lien date for the item provided a date was entered through either the Customer Account Maintenance module or the Lien Date/Dispute (explained below) option in this module. The Age column displays the number of days an Invoice has been aging in the system—this column only displays data for Invoices. An asterisk in the Age column denotes that the Invoice is past due. Scroll to the right to see additional columns. The Cust. Ref. column is updated through two different sources. When an Open Item is added through the Customer Account Maintenance module, anything typed in the Reference field displays in this column. Also, when an Invoice is processed in the system, the data that appears in the Name field of the Job Location box displays here. For those clients using ChargeItPro, a View (6) option will appear at the top left of this screen. When clicked, the system will prompt the following: Gravity/ChargeItPro Transactions. When selected, a Gravity/ChargeItPro Transactions screen will prompt with applicable data. 

Two additional options appear at the bottom of the screen. The Add Notes to All Invoices (7) button, when clicked, will prompt a Notes box that will appear as follows:

You can type up to two lines of Notes. Click the Save button to have the Notes added to all open Invoices with a balance. You will see an asterisk “*” appear next to each Item Number where these Notes have been added. You can manage these Notes via the Invoice Notes option when you click on an Item Number in the main screen. The Edit All Lien Dates (8) button, if clicked, will prompt an Enter New Lien Date box, and any change made here will impact all Lien Dates. For complete details on Liens/Disputes, see the next section.  

When you click on an individual item in the screen, the system will display additional options at the bottom of the screen as follows:

The Print Invoice button will launch the Invoice Reprint program ready to reprint the selected item. The Invoice Notes button will prompt an Invoice Notes screen for notes specific to this Open Item. Where Invoice Notes exist, you will see an asterisk to the right of the Number. Also, you will be able to view these notes under each Invoice on the A/R Aging Report (Retainage) report if you select by Salesperson at the print options. The Add Notes to All Invoices works the same as explained above. The Lien Date/Dispute button will prompt the following:

There are many options from the Lien Date drop-down box, and, once programmed, will appear next to the Invoice with the applicable notation on the following reports: A/R Aging Report (Standard)A/R Aging Report (by Salesperson), and the A/R Detail List (by Lien Date). The first is to enter a date the lien would go into effect by selecting a date in the field next to the Lien Date drop-down box. The remaining options for this feature include changing the status from Lien Date to another option as follows: NoneLienedNO2ODABONDCLProgressDisputed, LegalPayment DisputeFinal Demand, and Escalation (you may need to exit and re-enter to see these notations display in the main screen). NO2ODA means “Notice to Owner Date.” BONDCL stands for Bond Claimed (applicable for some states)Progress denotes a Progress Bill Invoice (see Progress Billing in Sales Processing for more info)Disputed denotes that all or part of an Invoice has been disputed by the Customer, and this option will also allow you to enter a disputed amount. When you select this option, the system will prompt the following after you click the Continue button:

Type the disputed amount in the Amount to Dispute field. You can also type a Comment regarding the dispute and then save your changes before exiting. The portion that is in dispute will not impact the Customer’s credit balance. The additional options are self-explanatory and not all of these options may be used. 

The Edit Item Retainge button feature was designed primarily for commercial accounts where the general contractor holds back a retained amount on Invoices until all work is complete. Keeping track of retained amounts can assist with opening lines of credit or borrowing money. If the lender is aware that certain dollars are considered a retained amount rather than old receivable or bad debt, they may be more willing to allow the dealer to borrow money against that amount. The A/R Aging Report (Retainage)—located in the A/R Reports Menu 2 of 2—will display any reatained amounts programmed from this feature. When you click this button, the system will prompt the following:

Type the total to be retained in the Retainage Amt field and click Continue to proceed. Any retained amounts will appear in the far-right column of the A/R Aging Report (Retainage) with an “R” to the right of the amount.

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