Cybersecurity for RollMaster Software

Cybersecurity for RollMaster Software

RollMaster recognizes that since ransomware attacks have been in the news, questions and concerns regarding the security of our client’s data has become a regular topic and one that we are happy to address. RollMaster clients can be assured that data backup and protection has been a key element of our hosted environment since day one, and we continually go above and beyond to protect our clients’ data and our integrity. However, we also know that as fast as the cyber security technology improves and evolves, the faster the hackers work to overcome the changes, and therefore we remain ever vigilant.

We do recognize that nothing is 100% hackproof, which is why we also have precautions and contingencies in place to protect and preserve data to drastically mitigate such an occurrence. Below is a list of all the measures we have taken to protect our systems and your data:

  1.  RollMaster, by design, uses a small connection piece that resides on each user’s desktop. No data, only small bits of screen response information, is moved between the user and our servers which eliminates data transfers.
  • E-Doc transfers are all image files. Eliminating the transfer of data between devices protects our servers
  • We keep RollMaster software updated with the latest security updates, and we encrypt where possible.
  • The RollMaster team is vigilant. We know that hackers are smart, and data breaches happen, so here is our plan:
    • We operate in the Amazon infrastructure and rely on their protection. Amazon maintains and keeps the server security environment secure and updated.
    • We us EBS Snapshots, which captures a point in time copy of your data, and can be used to enable disaster recovery, migrate data across regions and accounts, and improve backup compliance.
    • We also perform file backups, and backup to 5 different locations. All backed up data is managed in a secure data center infrastructure that we own in Hammond, LA.
    • All RollMaster servers are “locked down” and use private keys for access.
    • “Root” access is tightly restricted to our key developers.

 As you can see, we take this very seriously and the safety of your data is our top priority. If you have any additional questions or concerns, we are happy to address those as needed.

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