General Ledger Budget Programs

General Ledger Budget Programs

G/L Budget Comparison Report:

The following “Budget” programs were developed to set budgets for income and expense accounts. This allows a User to track whether the company is over or under budget on these accounts on a monthly basis. To set budgets for these accounts, you must first start with the G/L Budget Maintenance and G/L Budget Posting modules. These modules are explained in the order they appear in the General Ledger Menu. It is also possible to import G/L Budget Detail by period. This process must be administered by a member of the RollMaster Customer Support Team. Please email if you are interested in this feature. 

The G/L Budget suite of modules has been expanded to allow for multiple budgets. The addition of a new G/L Budget Name field in all these modules allows for this process, which adds additional functionality for setting “Target” budget goals, with the objective of comparing goals for growth to current numbers. Budget data is importable. Please contact RollMaster Support for additional assistance. G/L Budget Names can be added in the G/L Budget Maintenance module via the following option: G/L Budget Name Mtc.

The G/L Budget Comparison Report module requires you to create a Report Format in the Report Format Maintenance module first, using only the accounts for which you have set a budget. The printed report looks much like an Income Statement. It will display a Current Month column giving ActivityBudget, and Percentage of the budget, along with a Year-to-Date column showing the same information, and a Last Year-To-Date column for comparison purposes. When you enter this module, the screen will appear as follows:

The cursor will be positioned at the Period (1) field. You can type in a different period or leave the default for the current open period in your system. At the Company ID (2) prompt, if applicable, use the drop-down menu to select a different Company. At the G/L Budget Name (3) field, use the drop-down arrow to select the applicable Budget Name. At the Report Format (4) field, use the drop-down menu to select the Report Format previously formatted specifically for this module. To export the data, click the Excel icon. Click the Print button for a paper copy of the report. 

G/L Budget Comparison Report (Pct.Sales):

This module also requires you to create a Report Format in the Report Format Maintenance module, although you can use the same one created for the regular Budget Comparison Report. The printed report looks very similar to the report above, but this report will display Percentage of Sales data for the Current and Year-to-Date Activity columns. You can also select to view data for This Year or Next Year. When you enter this module, the screen will appear as follows:

The cursor will be positioned at the Period (1) field. You can type in a different period or leave the default for the current open period in your system. At the Company ID (2) prompt, use the drop-down menu to select a different Company if applicable. At the G/L Budget Name (3) field, use the drop-down arrow to select the applicable Budget Name. In the Select (4) box fields, the default for this report is This Year, but you can click on Next Year if applicable. At the Report Format (5) field, use the drop-down menu to select the special report that was previously formatted specifically for the Budget Comparison modules. To export the data, click the Excel icon. Click the Print button for a paper copy of the report. 

G/L Budget History Report:

This module prints a report with budget data for all revenue and expense accounts for Two Years AgoLast YearThis Year, and Next Year. There is no comparison to actual numbers; it simply shows what was budgeted for those time frames. When you enter this module, the screen will appear as follows:

The cursor will be positioned at the Company ID (1) prompt. If applicable, use the drop-down menu to select a different Company. At the G/L Budget Name (2) field, use the drop-down arrow to select the applicable Budget Name. At the Starting Account (3) and Ending Account (4) fields, enter the range of G/L account numbers to include on the report. You can also tab through the Starting Account field until the cursor is positioned at the Print button to include **ALL** account numbers on the report. Click the Print button to print the report.

G/L Budget Maintenance:

This module is used to add revenue and expense accounts for budget monitoring. You will also access this module if you would like to create multiple budgets. The G/L Budget Name Mtc. option at the top left should be used to add each Budget Name to distinguish between budgets when printing from any of the Budget Modules. When you enter this module, the system will prompt a G/L Budget Maintenance screen as follows:

You will need to first create a Budget Name or Names using the G/L Budget Name Mtc. option at the top left. Thereafter, the cursor will be positioned at the Company ID (1) prompt. If applicable, use the drop-down menu to select a different Company. At the G/L Budget Name (2) field, use the drop-down arrow to select the applicable Budget Name. At the Account Number (3) field, click the button to call up a G/L Selection box or type in a revenue or expense account. Once selected, click the Edit (4) button at the bottom left. This will allow you to click the Add button to add the G/L account number to the budget modules. If you only wish to create a budget for next year, you can continue to add account numbers. You can access any of the fields in the 2 Years AgoLast Year, and This Year columns. Budget data for the Next Year column can be added here, but can also be added via the G/L Budget Posting module, explained below. The G/L Budget Posting module will override any data entered in the Next Year columns in this module. Please Note: all G/L Account Numbers for budget setting must first be entered in this module. 

To set a budget for the current year, first click the Edit button and then position the cursor in the Period 1 field of the This Year (5) column and type a budget amount. Again, any of the periods in 2 Years AgoLast Year, and the This Year columns can be programmed with budget data. Once data has been programmed, click the Add button to save. The system will prompt a message as follows: Budget Account Update Successful. Any changes to an existing account will prompt the following message: Budget Account Already Exists. Do You Want to Update? Click Yes to save your changes.

G/L Budget Posting:

Use this module to set the monthly budget for next year for all the revenue and expense accounts you added in the G/L Budget Maintenance module. Please Note: data can be imported from a .csv file, rather than manually entered via this module. See CSV Import option at top left. When you enter this module, the system will appear as follows:

The cursor will be positioned at the Company ID (1) prompt. If applicable, use the drop-down menu to select a different Company. At the G/L Budget Name (2) field, use the drop-down arrow to select the applicable Budget Name. At the Account Number (3) field, click the button to call up a G/L Selection box or type in a revenue or expense account. Once selected, click the Edit (4) button to begin entering budget data. As you type a budget for each financial period for the next year, the system will keep track of the Total Year Budget at the bottom of the screen. You can tab to the next field or use the mouse to move back-and-forth between the fields until you have completed entering the budget for this account. When complete, click the Save button. The system will prompt the following: Budget Account Update Successful. Any changes to an existing account will prompt the following message: Budget Account Already Exists. Do You Want to Update? Click Yes to save your changes. The Cancel button will exit the program and no changes will be saved. The Delete button can be used to remove the account and budget from the Budget Reports.

G/L Budget Worksheet:

This module prints a report with the following information: G/L Account NumberAccount NameAccount TypeLast Year’s budget and ActualThis Year’s budget, Percentage of budget increase, and Actual, the Percentage of budget the actual value is, and Next Year’s budget. When you enter this module, the screen will appear as follows:

The cursor will be positioned at the Company ID (1) prompt. If applicable, use the drop-down menu to select a different Company. At the G/L Budget Name (2) field, use the drop-down menu to select an applicable Name. At the Starting Account (3) and Ending Account (4) fields, enter the range of G/L Account Numbers to include on the report to customize the report. You can also tab through the Starting Account field until the cursor is positioned at the Print button to include ALL (5) account numbers on the report. To export the data, click the Excel icon. Click the Print button to print the report. 

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