Post Customer Payments -- Graphical Screen

Post Customer Payments -- Graphical Screen

The Post Customer Payments module has been modernized with a graphical screen. Though the screens look dramatically different, the functionality remains essentially the same. When you enter this module, the screen will now appear as follows:

Aside from the screen change, something that was added to the very top is a Branch selection field, titled Posting BranchAccounts Receivable is Company oriented, not Branch, but you do have the option to change Branches from within this module. An example to change Branches may be that a payment specifically came into the cash drawer of another Branch. The Show History checkbox in the top right corner is also new. Once a Customer is selected, you can click this option to show historical data. This data is not retro to the text version, but will capture history moving forward in the modern screen.

Another couple of additions at the top left is the ability to access the Customer Status Inquiry module while in this new version, and the ability to Find Invoice Number if you have that info, but not the exact Customer ID. The Functions menu at the very top left has two options as follows: Find Invoice Number and Add Customer (None) Payment. The Find Invoice Number option here is the same as accessed from the Find Invoice Number button. The Add Customer (None) Payment replaces the need to type “NONE” in the Customer field of the text version to post monies that are not tied to a specific Customer/Invoice. An example could be a rebate from a Vendor or some other revenue not tied to a Job in the system. When you click on this option, a box will prompt as follows:

Use the Comment field to describe the non-customer payment and then make a G/L Account selection. Click the Continue button to finish the process. 

As with the text version, you will begin by making a Customer selection, but you now have the option of using the Customer Selection screen to look up customers. Once a Customer is selected, their A/R Due amount will populate to the left of the Posting Branch field and any Prior Payments or Credits existing will display in the screen at the bottom. Unless the Date needs to change, the next step is to type the payment amount in the Amount field.  The Payment Type is a now a drop-down box from which you will use to make that selection. You can type your Reference for the payment as you normally would, such as check number of cc auth number. The Credit Card and Exp Date fields are for use with ChargeItPro/Gravity. At this point, you can click Cancel Add to restart or reset the payment info if applicable. If not, then enter or tab to the Add Payment button.

Once you click the Add Payment button, the new payment will display in the Prior Payments and Credits box with a “Y” in the Selected column. If you will not take a discount, you can highlight the applicable Invoice in the box above and double-click to apply the payment. If you need to apply a discount or write off a few pennies, then you will highlight and right-click to display Apply. This will prompt a somewhat familiar box as follows:

Use the Discounts Applied field to take a Discount and hit Continue to apply the payment. You can post a payment without a taking a discount this way as well, it’s just now an extra step. If you right-click on an Invoice with an applied payment, you will see two options as follows: Modify and Unselect. The Modify option will prompt the box above so you can make changes to the Discounts Applied field and the Unselect option will remove the payment from the Invoice.

If a balance remains on the payment, you can select another Invoice until the full balance has been applied. When completed, click the Accept button at the bottom right. The system will prompt a confirmation of the payment application as follows:

You can click Yes to finalize, or No to go back and make any changes. If you need to print a receipt, prior to hitting Accept, you can click the Print Receipt check box. If you need to go back after the payment has been applied, you can enter back and select the payment, and a Reprint Receipt button will prompt next to the Print Receipt check box. The Delete Payment button, when a payment is selected, will unapply any amount already applied to an Invoice(s) and delete the payment in one step. 

One additional feature that carried over with the modern version is the ability to apply funds from one payment to more than one Customer, as can be the case with Multi-Family customers. To do this, once a payment has been added and while a balance exists, you will see a Move to Another Customer button to the left of the Delete Payment button. When you click this button, the system will prompt a box as follows:

You can search by Customer or by Invoice Number and then hit the Continue button. You can use this feature until the full balance is applied or a remaining balance left unapplied on a customer account.

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