Open Item Aging Report

Open Item Aging Report

This report will print a list of all Open Items in the system by age for each Vendor. It will then give a grand total of all Open Items at the end of the report. This report can be printed in either Detail or a Summary format. When you enter this report module, the system will prompt an A/P Open Item Aging Report screen as follows:

At the Beg Date -1- field, the system will default to the current date. However, you can use the drop-down arrow to select a prior date for aging. The default report display -2- option is Summary. This will print one line for total due per Vendor. The Detail option will print a detailed list of all Open Items on each Vendor’s account. At the Vendor ID -3- field, the default is **All** for all Vendors. Use the Vendor ID button to select a specific Vendor for the report where applicable. At the Vendor Type -4- field, again, the default is **All** for all Vendor Types. This field is only applicable where you have previously set up Vendor Types in the Vendor Maintenance module. Use the drop-down arrow to print for a specific Vendor Type. To learn more about Vendor Types, please see the Vendor Maintenance section of this documentation. The final -5- option, Print Zero Balance Items, should only be checked if you wish to include zero balance items on the report. Once all selections are completed, click the Excel icon at the top left to export the data, or click the Print button.

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