Open Item Maintenance

Open Item Maintenance

The Open Item Maintenance module is tied directly to the system General Ledger (G/L). Therefore, any information that is entered through this module will update the General Ledger(This is not an instant process—after specified daily reports are run, there is a module in the General Ledger Reports menu titled Print Journals/Update General Ledger that needs to be run in order to send information to the General Ledger.) When you enter an open item in this module, the system will automatically send a debit or credit—depending on the item type—to the Accounts Payable G/L Account number. You will need to do the opposing entry (see directions below). For all Beginning A/P Balances, you will take the opposing entry to a Prior Purchases account so that you can check the totals and then perform a reversing entry once all beginning items have been entered. Once all Beginning A/P Balances have been entered, print an Open Invoice Listing and compare that report to your old system to make sure all open items were entered properly and the report total matches your A/P Balance in your old system. 

The following documentation covers the use of the Open Item Maintenance module and additional capabilities. If you are a current RollMaster B2B subscriber, there is additional functionality with some initial setup that will be explained in the section below titled “Initial Setup for B2B Subscribers.” 


The following instructions detail how you will enter a non-B2B Invoice. When you enter this module, you will first see the Vendor Selection Box (described above) to assist with selecting a Vendor. Once a Vendor has been highlighted and selected, the system will prompt a Select Option menu as follows:

For the purposes of this section, we will go directly to the Manually Enter Invoice option; the other two options will be explained following this section. The system will next prompt an A/P Open Item Final Entry screen as follows:

The cursor will first be positioned at the Posting Period -1- field and will default to the current period. You can type in a different period or hit enter to accept. At the Invoice Type -2- field, unless you need to enter a “C” for Credit Memo or a “D” for Debit Memo, you can enter or tab through this field, leaving the default setting of “I” for Invoice. At the Invoice Number -3- field, type in the number associated with the open item in this field. The Invoice Date -4- field will default to the current date; use the drop down arrow to access a calendar to select the actual date of the open item. At the P.O. Number -5- fields, the first box will display the current Branch ID. You can access this field to make a Branch ID change, if applicable. If a system PO is not associated with this open item, type “99” in the P.O. Number field to bypass this next process. When you enter an Invoice for material or products that are tied to a PO, you will need to enter a system PO Number. This can be accomplished by typing the number directly in the field, or by clicking on the Select PO button to perform a lookup. If you perform a lookup, the system will prompt the following A/P Select Branch box as follows:

At the Vendor -1- field, leave the default Invoice and Associated Vendors or you can use the drop-down arrow to select Pick all Vendors. At the Branch -2- field, use the drop down arrow to select another Branch or ***All Branches***. The system will then look for POs that exist in multiple Branches and you will have the option to review all. Click the Search for P.O.s button to continue. A list of system POs will appear in the A/P Select Purchase Order box as follows:

To select a PO from this screen, click in that row to highlight the line. The Select P.O. button will then become available and you can click to continue. At the Search Vendor I.D. field, if you selected ***All Branches*** in the previous screen, you can type another Vendor ID in this field to jump to those POs. Once you select a PO, the system will return you to the A/P Open Item Final Entry screen and the selected PO # will display in that field. You will also note that the Review PO button is highlighted and blinking. Click that button to continue. An Invoice Type Selection Screen box will prompt as follows:

The selections you make in this screen will allow you to allocate freight costs across multiple PO Lines without accessing each line individually. The default setting that allows you to see the Allocation feature is for both Cost and Freight to be checked, or for only Freight to be checked. If just Cost is checked, the feature will not display. If the Allocation feature is in play, when you click the Continue button, the A/P Review PO History screen will appear as follows:

Note the Allocate By and Freight fields, along with a Freight Alloc button at the top right of the screen. You will first determine whether the cost will be allocated by Quantity or Cost, then type in the total Freight cost prior to clicking the Freight Alloc button to update the Ext. Freight column for each PO Line. With this feature, the Receiving Report By ProdType (A/P Not Inv), located within the Purchase Orders module, will clear material and freight separately when freight bills are approved separate from the material invoice.

If the Allocation feature is not in play, the system will prompt an A/P Review PO History screen without the Allocate By fields as follows: 

This screen will prompt all the lines on the PO where material has been “received” into the system. One of the most important steps during this process is to check the Extended Cost and Ext. Freight columns on each PO Line to make sure they match the Invoice. If these two amounts are correct, you can click in the App (for “Approved”) -1- column to toggle the “N” for Not Approved to “Y” for Approved. As each line is Approved, the Totals fields at the bottom of the screen will keep a running total of those lines. The Note  -2- column will indicate whether any PO Line Notes exist by displaying an “*” in that column. You can click in that column field to display the P.O. Line Notes screen or you can click the Notes -3- button at the bottom right to prompt the same screen. The P.O. Notes -4- button at the top right will only be available where P.O. Notes currently exist. If this is the case, you should review those notes prior to making adjustments in this screen. The View P.O. -5- button will prompt the Purchase Order Maintenance screen for the selected PO

To make cost or freight changes in the screen above, click on the line in either the Ln# or Extended Cost fields. At this point, you can either manually type in the corrected amounts in the cost fields, or you can make changes via the Update Cost/Freight -6- button at the bottom left of the screen. When you click this button, the system will prompt an A/P Cost Adjustment Entry box as follows:

The cursor will be positioned in the Extended Cost field. Type in the new extended cost, if applicable, and then tab over to or click in the Ext. Freight field to enter a new total freight amount, if applicable, and only if you did not utilize the Allocation feature explained above. If any changes are made, be sure to click the Update button to save your changes. Once you click the Update button, the PO Line in the previous screen will automatically toggle to “Y” in the Approved column. One additional feature in the A/P Review PO History screen, is the ability to adjust the receipt quantity on a PO Line. This is the same feature that can be accessed in the Purchase Order Receipts Adjustment feature located in the Purchase Orders system. With the cursor positioned on the applicable PO Line, the PO Receipt Adjustment -7- button will become available. When you click on that button, the system will prompt the following Adjusted Quantity Received box as follows:

Type in the actual amount received to update the PO Line and then hit enter to return to the Review PO History screen. The Options menu in the top left of this screen will prompt the same options as explained above in the A/P Select Branch screen.

Special Note: this next section applies ONLY to customers who sell carpet in the state of California and must track CARE inventory. During the Review PO History process, if you activated the Branch Control 1 CARE option, a CARE message will pop up as you enter through each carpet PO Line item. This will allow you to make changes on a case-by-case basis as to whether the inventory needs to be CARE processed, as in the case of retailers who do a mix of business in the state of California and other states. However, in most systems, you will not see the prompt and the CARE flag will automatically default to “Y” for yes in the Review PO History screen. The Flag can be changed to “N” for no by clicking in that field, such as in the case of carpet being shipped out of the state for sale, and is not, therefore, CARE applicable, but this should only happen if the change is approved under the CARE guidelines.

Once all applicable PO Lines have been approved for an Invoice, click the Exit button to return to the Open Item Final Entry screen. The cursor will be positioned in the Current Balance field as follows:

The Current Balance -1- field should reflect the total amount of the Invoice, before any terms discounts, and inclusive of freight, tax, etc. The Beginning Balance -2- field will default to the Current Balance field amount, and should stay that amount. Only on material Invoices, where freight has been broken out on the PO Line, will the Merchandise Balance -3- field default to only the material amount that has been approved during the Review P.O. process, explained above. Otherwise, this field should be identical to the prior two. In the REF -4- field, you can add a reference for this Invoice if applicable. Provided a Default G/L Account has been set up for the current Vendor ID, the system will default the Merchandise Balance value in the G/L ACCT -5- field. 

The cursor will be positioned at the G/L Amount -7- field. If the default information is correct, click Add to continue, or you can override this field with the correct data. The system is automatically taking care of the Accounts Payable side entry so that you only need to distribute to the inventory or expense account to create a balanced entry. You can access any of these fields to make applicable changes to the default prompts. If you need to distribute amounts to any other G/L Account numbers, you can type the account number in the field above or use the down arrow to scroll through a list of existing accounts. Once an account is selected, the cursor will move to the D/C -6- field and default to the most logical option, which you can change if applicable. If you tab or hit enter through this field, the system will place the cursor in the G/L Amount -7- field and the balance of the amount to be distributed will default. You can enter to accept or type in another amount if further distribution is required. Click on the Add button to continue. At the very bottom of the screen, the system will keep track of the total Debit and Credit values. Once the G/L DebitCredit entries are in balance, the Accept button at the bottom right of the main screen will then become available. The Update -8- button can be used to edit an existing G/L Entry line. Click in the Ln# column of the line that needs to be edited and the Update button will become available. Click the button to prompt an A/P Update Entry box as follows:

You can change the G/L ACCTD/C, and/or G/L AMOUNT field from this prompt. Click the Update button to save any changes and return to the previous screen.

In the Terms section, any programmed terms will automatically calculate based on default settings for the Vendor ID and the Current Balance entered for the Invoice as follows:

You only need to access these fields if changes need to be made. The Payment Plan checkbox option, located just above the Terms section, can be used for Invoices where a Vendor has allowed a long-term payment plan on an Invoice, over and above your normal terms. In this scenario, you will book the Invoice one time using this feature rather than having to book several Invoices with different due dates. To begin this process, enter the Invoice with the normal Date and Invoice Number, being sure to tie the PO to the Invoice and then enter the total amount of the Invoice in the Current BalanceBeginning Balance, and Merchandise Amount fields. When you get to the Terms fields, check the box next to Payment Plan. When this box is checked, six new payment fields with due dates will prompt to the right of the Payment Plan checkbox as follows:

Program these fields per the agreed payment plan terms with the Vendor, using up to six dues dates. Before you move on from these fields, you need to make sure the total of all the Payment Amount fields equals the Current Balance field. Calculate each Payment Amount by dividing the Invoice total by the number of payments. If terms apply to each of the payments, you will need to set those up as well, making sure that the Payment Amount field is inclusive of freight and the Merchandise Amount is minus any freight for terms discount calculations. The ***Out of Balance*** message will prompt until the total of the Payment Amount fields equals the Current Balance field. The Clear All Payment Plan Amounts button will reset any programmed fields in this feature and allow you to begin again. Also, the system automatically prevents any negative amounts from saving in the fields above for Invoices.

The final section of options appears at the bottom right of the screen as follows:

The Accept button will save the open item as entered and prompt a couple more options before returning the cursor to a blank A/P Open Item Final Entry screen. Prior to clicking the Accept button, and at any time during the entry of an open item, you can click the Notes button to access a Vendor Notes screen as follows:

To add a note to the printed check stub, type the info on the first line in the screen above, such as the reason why you are short paying an Invoice. This note will also display on the Payment Selection Report and the Cash Requirements Report. The Vendor Notes screen is also available when you “Inquire” about an existing open item (explained below). Also, when Notes are added to an open item, the system will display a “Y” in the Notes column of the Vendor Status Inquiry module. You can add up to 99 pages of notes in this screen. Once you fill up the first page of notes, you will then see options to jump from the Previous Page to the Next Page, however, you cannot jump to a new page until you enter all lines on the existing page. This also applies to the Notes option in the Check HistoryCheck History PO Version, and Vendor Status Inquiry modules.

The Accept / Electronic Documents button will display for those folks using the RollMaster Electronic Documents module. Use this feature if you wish to add a document to this open item file. Otherwise, this button and the Accept button will work the same. When you click either, the system will first prompt the following:

This feature was added in the event a small expense is incurred on a job that was not included in the original work order. An example may be that an installer needed a tool or additional supplies to complete the job and has billed you separately, or in the case of a special freight bill. This feature will send the entire cost of the Invoice to the job as a Special Charge--you will not be able to add it as inventoried cost from this feature. If you need to add a sell price to the job, you will need to add it through the Order Entry module. If any costs on the open item were tied to a system PO, you cannot use this feature or you will be sending a double cost to the job. To add a charge to a job, click “Yes” at this prompt. The system will then prompt the following: 

Type in the job number and hit enter. The system will then prompt the following:

If you hit enter at this prompt, the system will pull up a list of non-inventoried Product Codes. Arrow down to the Product Code that applies and hit enter. The system will then prompt the following:

Click “Yes” if this is correct or “No” to select another Product Code. When you have finished with the above feature, the system will then bring up the following prompt--provided the feature has been enabled in the System Control 1 screen of the System Control Maintenance module (see System Maintenance to enable/disable):

This feature is primarily for special order or commercial dealers rather than stocking dealers, as the total amount of the Invoice will be sent to the applicable Job Cost modules. If the open item contains costs for more than one job or does not relate to a specific job in the system, you should use the “Hit Enter to Skip Job Cost Update” option. When you use this feature, the system will send job cost information to two modules in the Job Cost menu. Those are Costs By Source View/Print and Billed vs. Unbilled – Costs From A/P. See the Job Cost manual section for details on those modules. To complete this feature, type the job number in this prompt and hit enter. 

Once you’ve entered through the last prompt, the system will perform internal procedures and prompt the following: 

If you need to print a check right away, click “Yes” at this prompt. The system will skip the Payment Selection process so you can go right to the Print Check module. More often than not, you will click “No” at this prompt and age the payable based on the terms entered. Important Note: If at any time during the entry process you click the Exit button prior to clicking the Accept button, your work will not be saved, including any cost/freight changes that may have been made in the A/P Review P/O History screen. The program will remain in the A/P Open Item Final Entry screen, rather than exiting.


There is some initial setup required to utilize the B2B section of the Open Item Maintenance module. When you first enter the Unprocessed B2B Items menu option, the system will initially prompt you to perform B2B Service Charge Setup as in the example below: 

This setup must be completed prior to processing a B2B Invoice so you must click OK to continue. The system will then prompt an Invoicing Setup Maintenance screen as follows:

At the top of the screen you will note the following prompt: Default Allocation of Freight by Quantity (Y) or (N) by Extended Cost. If you type a “Y” at this prompt, the system will allocate freight on inventory lines by quantity. If you type an “N” at this prompt, the system will allocate freight on each line based on the costs of the material, allocating more freight to more expensive items. This is simply a default setting as any freight charges can be accessed and changed prior to approving costs. The next step to complete is to assign a RollMaster G/L Account Number (listed in the box on the right side of this screen) to each of the B2B Invoicing Service Charge Maintenance items located on the left hand side of the screen. The codes on the left are possible charges that can appear on a B2B imported Invoice and thus they need to be matched up to an existing RollMaster account in this screen for seamless posting. Using the Lookup box on the right as a “View Only” tool, you will scroll through your RollMaster list of accounts until you find one you need. If you click the single up or down arrow, the screen will move one account; if you click the double up or down arrows, the screen will move an entire page. When you are ready to type in a G/L Account on the left, you will use the mouse to click each box in the G/L Acct # column and then manually type the applicable account. The system will not accept a G/L Account # that is not currently setup in your system. A completed screen will look much like the following:

When you have finished adding your G/L Account Numbers, click OK at the bottom right of the screen. The system will place you at a Vendor ID selection box as follows:

From here, you can hit the Esc key to exit the program; click on the File menu to drop down an Exit option--which does the same thing as hitting the Esc key; click on the Options menu to return to the Invoicing Setup Maintenance box you were just in; or use the drop down arrow to select a Vendor ID


For RollMaster clients enrolled in B2B Functionality, this menu item will be used to process all electronically generated billing items from participating Vendors. You can select this option from the menu after selecting a Vendor, or from the Vendor Selection box, you can click the “B2B Unprocessed” button that appears below the Vendor ID field as follows: 

This B2B Unprocessed option will bring up a box that lists only B2B Vendors with unprocessed B2B Invoices along with the Number of Invoices for each Vendor as follows:

If you click on and highlightVendor in this list, the Process Vendor button at the bottom of this screen will become available. When you click on that button, the system will display a list of B2B Invoices for that Vendor in an A/P B2B Invoices screen as follows:

When you first enter this screen, the system will automatically sort by the Invoice Number column; however, you can re-sort and search by any of the other available data by clicking on the header of most of the other columns. If you click on another column heading, notice that the Search -1- option will automatically change to that heading and the data will automatically shuffle within the screen. For example, if you click on the Br. (Branch) column, the system will re-sort to display any items with a blank column first and then group all remaining items by Branch ID. Prior to a B2B Invoice displaying in this screen, the system has automatically matched it up to the system generated PO. As long as the B2B Invoice finds a matching open PO in the system, it will be matched automatically. If a P.O. # -2- field is blank, you can manually attach a system PO. Also, all the data you see in these columns is being pulled directly from the electronic Invoice sent by the mill, but you still have the ability to make manual changes where applicable. Those procedures will be explained below. Please Note the B2B-C/M item highlighted above. This denotes a Credit Memo and must be processed manually. Additionally, any Invoice that doesn’t meet standards or has negative values that flag it, will not automatically process. You will have one shot to send an email to RollMaster from this screen to report the issue. Thereafter you will need to contact support directly.

The Received -3- column will display either a “Y” meaning the material has been received on the PO or an “N” meaning the material has not been received. B2B Invoices will appear in this screen as soon as the material ships out from the Vendor, but you can view the data and print out those Invoices prior to the material arriving at your warehouse. However, you must wait until the material is received before you can process a B2B Invoice because of the “Review P.O. History” functionality (explained above in the Manually Enter Invoice section). The Print Invoice -5- button, when clicked, will prompt you to first “Select a Printer” so you can decide whether to print a hard copy or use the Print to Screen feature. The system will then return the cursor to the screen above so you can continue to print or begin processing an Invoice

To begin processing an Invoice, click on the applicable line and then click the Process Invoice -4- button. The system will prompt an A/P B2B Invoice Lines screen as follows:

If a PO is not automatically matched, you can use the Select PO -1- button at the top left to make a selection. Next, in the Appr (Approved) -2- column, if that column does not contain an “M” for Match, it means that during the electronic matching of the system PO Line # to the B2B Invoice, the process found some discrepancy and therefore could not 100% match the PO Line to the Invoice. In many cases, this field will already be set to “M” because the process was successful in matching up cost and quantity information. Any Freight Charges and/or Fuel Surcharge lines are automatically matched up and approved so you will only need to access those lines if a change needs to be made. The Mark Multiple Lines -3- option should remain set to “No” unless there is more than one Invoice line that needs to match up to one PO Line/Receipt. You will note the occurrence of this situation by either viewing the B2B Invoice prior to processing or noting that the same number in the P.O. Line # column appears on more than one line in this screen. Change this option to “Yes” by clicking the On/Off button and you will be able to match two or more B2B Invoice lines to one PO Line during the Process Line Matching to P.O. process (explained below).

On any line needing to be approved, you will click on that line to highlight the line and the Process Line Matching to P.O. -3- button will become available (see full explanation in the next paragraph). The Process Line without Matching to P.O. -4- button should only be used where no system PO exists. The Line Notes -6- option will also become available. These are internal notes that will only appear in this screen and on the B2B Invoice form. The Unapprove Line -7- button can be used if you need to revert a line back to unapproved status to make additional changes. The View PO -8- button will prompt the selected PO in the Purchase Order Maintenance screen.

To begin processing a B2B Invoice line, select a line and click on the Process Line Matching to P.O. -3- button. The system will display an A/P B2B Invoice Line Approval screen as follows:

When you click on a PO Line in this screen, the options at the bottom of the screen will become available. The P.O. Notes -4- and P.O. Line Notes -6- button options prompt the same Notes that can be accessed from the Purchase Orders system and A/P Review P.O. History. You can use those options to review any applicable notes or add to those notes. The View PO -5- button works the same as described above in the previous screen. The PO Receipt Adjustment -7- button option will allow you to make receipt adjustments where applicable to inventory receipts that are not fully tied to a job line. That option works the same as the Purchase Order Receipt Adjustments option in the Purchase Orders system and the same restrictions and instructions apply to this option. 

In the example above, there are two quantity receipts associated with the same PO Line and both need to be marked and approved. In this instance, you will need to use the Mark Multiple Lines feature that is in this screen. If you click the On/Off button to set this feature to “Yes” you will then be able to match these lines to the one Invoice line in the previous screen. Continuing with this example, you will then click on each line in the Select column at the far right to highlight and set that column to “Y.” Once the lines are selected, if you do not need to make any manual cost changes, you will either click on the Accept Invoice Cost -1- option to use the Invoice cost as the approved cost or select the Accept PO Cost -2- option to use the PO cost as the approved cost for these lines. You can then Exit back to the previous screen to continue.

If you need to make any manual cost changes you will click on the Enter Cost -3- button option. The system will display a B2B Invoice Line Cost Entry screen as follows: 

Within this screen, you can click on either the Updated Ext. Cost or Updated Ext. Freight fields to enter a total extended material cost or a total extended freight cost. To save any cost changes you will need to click the Accept button. Click the Exit button to return to the previous screen. At the bottom right of that screen, the system will display the total amount that has been approved and any balance remaining to be approved. For non-material lines, the system will prompt the following: Do you want to approve another amount? If the cost is correct, click “No” or hit enter to continue. If you do need to make a cost change, click “Yes” and the system will prompt an Enter Approved Amount box displaying the current cost. Type in the new cost and hit enter. The Appr column for that line will now display “Y” which means that cost has been approved. Continue with any remaining lines that apply to the current B2B Invoice until all either display “M” for Match or “Y” for approved cost. You should now be ready to click the Process Invoice option to continue posting the Invoice in the RollMaster System. When you click that option, an A/P Open Item Inquiry screen will appear as follows:

In this screen, the system will display the freight allocation information in the Special Charge Lines -1- section just prior to the Invoice being posted. Based on the default Freight Allocation setting in the Invoicing Setup Maintenance screen (explained above) the system will distribute Freight and Fuel Surcharge amounts to each applicable material line as close to the Total Approved Amount as possible. If the difference is slight, you can click the Accept button to continue and the Total Unallocated Amount -2- will be sent to the designated G/L Account that was established in the Setup screen. If you need to adjust the Unit Freight -3- to alter this amount, you can do so from this screen. If there is a positive amount in the Total Unallocated Amount field, when you hit the Accept button, the system will prompt the following: Approved Totals doesn’t match PO Lines, Continue? To continue, click “Yes.” The system will then prompt the A/P Open Item Final Entry screen with all the details that have previously been approved as follows:

You can enter through this screen to make changes to the Posting Period -1- and Reference -3- fields, but for the most part, if the Debits and Credits -4- match at the bottom of the screen, you are ready to hit the Accept button to finish posting this open item in the system. Caution: if you hit the Exit button prior to hitting the Accept button, the open item will not post and the data will not be saved. If the B2B Invoice has terms that differ from the default Terms -2- settings for the Vendor, the system will prompt the following message when you first enter this screen:

Click OK to continue and make changes where applicable. As B2B Invoices are processed, they can be reviewed in the “All Invoices” screen of this module (explained below), and they will appear on all applicable A/P Reports, as well as prompt during payment processing per the usual RollMaster System procedures. At the end of the accounting day, if you have added or deleted items in this module, you will need to print an Open Items Adjustment Register—located in the A/P Reports Menu 1 of 2—to double-check your entries. This report also serves as a record for all payables that were entered for the day. 


This feature will give you access to every type of A/P open item by Vendor that has been entered in your RollMaster System, including all B2B generated items, whether they have been processed or not. There is a lot of functionality within this feature, so be sure you read through this section in its entirety so you can benefit from all the available options. Once you select a Vendor ID, click on the All Invoices option in the Select Option menu. The system will first prompt a Date Selection Screen with a Date Range drop-down selection box as follows:

The default is Current – 12 Months, but you can select additional ranges based on the data you are trying to locate to speed up the process. The system will then prompt an A/P All Invoices screen as follows: 

In the Type -1- column, the system will display either “Invoice” for a manually entered Invoice, “Credit” for a manually entered Credit Memo, “Debit” for a manually added Debit Memo, or “B2B” for all B2B generated open items. Please Note: only B2B generated open items will display data in the Invoice P.O.#Br.P.O. ReferenceP.O. and Date columns of this screen. This is because of the electronic data that is generated during the B2B process that doesn’t happen when open items are added manually. At the bottom left of this screen is a Search -3- field. As you click on the column headings at the top of the screen, you will notice that the search criteria at the bottom left will change to match the column headings and the data in the screen will automatically re-sort according to the column heading that has been selected. For example, if you click in the Type heading, the screen will automatically re-sort to display all the B2B open items first (or Credits if there are no B2B items) and the Search field at the bottom will change to “Type” so that you can enter a specific open item type to search. As you move across the top of the screen clicking each column heading, you will notice that the data re-sorts and the Search field changes to match that search criteria. Additionally, you can move up and down in this screen by clicking on the up and down arrows on the right side of the screen.

The Status -2- column will also display notations as follows: an “X” denotes that the B2B and non-B2B open item has been entered and has a balance; on B2B Invoices only, if the Status column is blank, it denotes the Invoice has not been processed; a “P” denotes the Invoice has been paid; and a “D” denotes the open item has been deleted. An “E” denotes E-Docs exist and you will typically see this as “P E” for Paid E-Docs Exist. The option buttons -4- along the bottom of the screen will become available based on the open item you select and the status of that open item. On any non-B2B item, you will only have access to the Invoice Inquiry and Electronic Docs options. Also on any B2B items, you will only be able to use the Invoice Inquiry option on items where the Received column = “Y,” indicating the merchandise for the item has been received in the system, and where the Status column = “X,” indicating the open item has been processed and is in the system as an approved payable. When you click on a line to highlight an open item and then click the Invoice Inquiry button, the system will display an A/P Open Item Inquiry screen as follows:

The top portion of the screen -1- will display the details of the open item, the bottom left -2- will display the G/L distribution data for the open item, and the bottom right -3- will display payment data. The Edit Terms -4- button applies to any existing unpaid Invoice. When you click on this button, a Terms Update box will appear as follows:

From this box, you can enter in and change any of the Terms fields. When a new Date is entered, tab through until the Accept button is highlighted and be sure to click it to save the change. As a part of this automated process, the system will write an Invoice Note with a comment that states **TERMS UPDATED** along with the User ID and Time Stamp on the comment. When you exit out of the Invoice Inquiry screen and enter back, you will see an “*” in the Notes button for that Invoice. This note will always appear on the 2nd line of this screen unless Notes already exist, and then it will appear on the next available blank line.

At the very bottom right corner A/P Open Item Inquiry screen, you will see a couple of additional -5- options. The Notes button will display an “*” if internal or external notes exist. You can add Notes from this screen as well. The Delete Invoice option will only work for open items that have not been paid. When you click the Delete Invoice button, a prompt will appear as follows:

Click the “Yes” button to delete the open item or click the “No” button to cancel the process. If you click “Yes,” the system will then prompt the following:

The Date of Item field will reflect the actual date the item was entered in the system. The Deleted Date field will default to the current date, but you can use the drop-down arrow to select a different date if applicable. The Period of Item field will reflect the actual posting period the item was originally entered in; you cannot access this field. You can, however, change the Deletion Period field if applicable; this field will default to the current Period. Only users allowed to change Posting Periods will have access to this screen. Click the Continue button to complete this process. The system will return the cursor to the A/P All Invoices display screen.

Special Note: If you delete an Invoice number and then re-add that same Invoice number, the system will allow you to do that by automatically creating a unique file record. When you type in an Invoice number that the system recognizes as having been deleted for the selected vendor, the system will prompt the following: Item has been Deleted. When you click ‘OK’ at this prompt, the system will then prompt the following: Do you want to reuse this invoice number? If you select “Yes” at this prompt, the system will then prompt the following:

The system will not display the *01 in your look-up screens or reports, but it will be used by the system to identify it is a unique item. 

The Print Invoice option in the A/P All Invoices screen will only be available on all B2B open items. It was added to allow you to print a paper copy of the B2B generated Invoice detail from the Vendor. If you click on this option, the system will prompt a Select Printer menu box. Make your printer selection and the Invoice will print. If you select Print to (S)creen, you will be able to view the Invoice detail without printing to paper. 

The Process Invoice button option will jump you to the Unprocessed B2B Invoices feature (explained above). This option will only be available when you click on B2B items where the Status column is blank. Although this option will be available on items where the Received column = “N,” it should only be used where material has been received in the system to allow for matching of costs to a system PO. The remaining option, Review Processed Invoice, will only be available on B2B items where the Status column = “X.” When you click on this button option, the system will prompt the A/P B2B Invoice Lines screen for you to review the data on the open item. This display is essentially the same as the Invoice Inquiry screen, but because of the B2B functionality, the system captures the detail of each line. You can read or add Notes from this screen specific to the B2B item or click the Exit button to return to the previous screen.

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