Payment Selection

Payment Selection

This module is used to select items for payment in the Check Print programs. There are many options for payment selection within this module to allow for easy selection of single items or only items due based on discount dates, etc. When you enter this module, the A/P Payment Selection screen will appear as follows:

At the Select Mode -1- field, you will make a selection from the drop-down menu based on how you wish to view the open items in the screen below. When you click on the down arrow, all options will appear as follows:

To see all open items for selected Vendors, regardless of any programmed due dates, leave the default All setting. If you select this option, the Due Date -6- field will not be available. To display and select items based on the 1st Due Date, select “1st” from the drop down menu; to select items by the 2nd Due Date, select “2nd;” to select items by the 3rd Due Date, select “3rd;” to select items by the Net Due Date, select “Net.” The Discount Mode -2- drop-down contains the terms you want displayed in the Discount column in the selection screen below. With the exception of “Due,” this drop-down list mirrors the Select Mode drop-down list explained above. Leave the default “Due” setting to display earned discounts based on the Check Date -7- field. Please Note: you will still have the option to override the terms amount that appears in the Discount column prior to selecting an item. 

The Vendor Type -3- field defaults to **All**, but if you have established Vendor Types in the Vendor Maintenance module, you can click the button to make a specific selection to only see those types of vendors for Payment Selection purposes. The same goes for the Vendor ID -4- field; select a specific Vendor if you are only printing checks for that Vendor; otherwise, leave the default setting of **All**. This will allow you to then use the Cycle Vendor ID -10- arrows, explained below. The Only Show Selected -5- checkbox should be checked if you have previously selected items for payment and only wish to view those in the display screen below. The Only show EFT Vendors checkbox should only be checked if you completed setup and are currently processing for EFT Vendors. The Due Date -6- field will be available if the Select Mode -1- field does not equal “ALL.” If this is not the case, type the Date through which you want to select open items based on the Select Mode field setting. For example, if you selected 1st in that field, at the Due Date field, if you enter the current date, you will see all items that show a 1st Discount Due Date through the current date. If you pay a week ahead and want to earn that 1st discount, add 7 days to the current date and enter that as the Due Date. Items with a 1st Discount Due Date after the date entered will not appear in the display screen below. The same goes for the 2nd3rd, and Net Select Mode settings.

The Check Date -7- field will default to the current date. This field should reflect the date you will be printing the checks. This field does not affect how items are selected, but it does affect the discount calculation. In other words, the Due Date field determines which invoices are displayed, the Check Date determines which discounts are available to take within the dates selected. This primarily works with “Due” as the Discount Mode. Once the previous eight fields have been set, you can perform one of two options to prompt open items in the display screen (see screenshot below). The first option is to click the Build -8- button to display all applicable open items in the display screen in alphabetical order by Vendor ID. The other option is to click the Cycle Vendor ID -10- arrows to view each Vendor individually in alphabetical order. Please Note: prior to clicking the Build button or the Cycle Vendor ID arrow buttons, if you need to change any of the sort fields, you can click the Reset Filters -9- button to clear any settings and reset the defaults in all the fields. Open items meeting the sort parameters will appear in the display screen as follows:


You can sort the open items further by clicking in the Column headings along the top of the display screen. The default display for multiple Vendors is alphabetical by Vendor ID and then by Item Number. If only one Vendor is displayed, the open items will display in order of Item Number. The Selected -1- column will display a “Y” if an open item has been selected for payment. A single open item can be selected by double-clicking on a highlighted line to prompt a Select Payment box as follows:

From this box, you can adjust the Payment amount and Discount amount when applicable. Click the Save button to continue. If you click on an open item and then right click, the system will prompt the following options:

The Set/Release Hold option will place a Hold on an item or ReleaseHold. If a hold is placed on an open item, you will see the word “HOLD” in the HOLD -2- column of the display screen. The View Detail option will prompt a detail screen as follows:

This is a view-only screen. Changes will need to be made from Open Item Maintenance. The EFT -3- column will display either US or CPA, denoting either a U.S. EFT Vendor payment or a Canadian EFT Vendor payment.

As you select items for payment, the system will keep track of payments selected data at the bottom of the screen as follows:

As open items are selected for payment, the Vendor Detail Totals box will keep track of the total Balance -1- of all open items on the account in the current display screen, along with the total of the open items that are currently Due, the Payment Selected amount, and the total Discount amount of the open items that have been selected for payment. Below the Vendor Detail Totals box, the system will display a Total Selected – Payments -2- amount for all Vendors and a running Discounts total. Once all items are selected for payment, you can click the Print button at the bottom right of the screen to print the Items Selected for Payment Listing report. This report also appears in the A/P Reports Menu 1 of 2. The report lists everything currently selected for payment that will prompt in the Print Checks program, along with the number of checks that will print, the total discount selected, and the net total of all checks. If any open items appear on this report that you do not wish to print a check for, you will need to enter back into the Payment Selection module and unselect those items. If the system encounters a negative check condition, it will display that information rather than print the report. To fix a negative check condition, you will need to enter back through the Payment Selection module and correct. 


At the top left of the screen is a Functions menu. When you click that menu option, the system will display the following options:

When you have items displayed in the box below for a Vendor, you can use the Select All option to instantly select all items currently visible in the display screen. The Unselect All option will instantly unselect any currently visible selected items in the display screen. The Remove All Selected Payments option will prompt the system to unselect every open item currently selected for every Vendor. When you click that option, the system will first prompt the following:

If you wish to proceed, click the Yes button. 


The RollMaster System allows for Electronic Funds Transfers (EFT) to Vendors. Some setup must first be completed in System MaintenanceGeneral Ledger and Accounts Payable. See next section below for setup details, followed by a section on how to process EFT TransfersPlease Note: A minimum of 2 hours of support is required to assist with setup and ongoing assistance. Also, you must confirm with your bank that they have a portal for customers to upload EFT files. Additionally, you must first run a TEST of the EFT data to your bank, so you should start this process by setting up only one Vendor to make sure any bugs are worked out before running live EFT Data Transfers. Please note: for Canadian clients, our system produces a file for CPA500 ACH payments.


If User Controls are enabled in your system, the first step is to determine which Users should have access to setting up EFT banking data for Vendors. In the User Control 6 screen, an EFT enabling control appears as follows: Allowed To Edit Vendor EFT Data. If set to “Y” for yes, this control grants access to an EFT Data button in Vendor Maintenance.  

The next step is to complete setup of Vendor EFT Data in the Vendor Maintenance module. Users with permission will see an EFT Data button at the top of the Vendor Maintenance screen for each Vendor. When you click this button, a Vendor EFT Data Maintenance box will appear as follows:

Complete the banking setup information in the fields provided. The Bank Name is not required, but recommended in the event your Vendor ever changes banks to assist in needed updates. The Routing Number and Account Number will be provided to you by the Vendor—these fields must be identical to the bank’s data. The Routing Number should be 9 digits. The Export Format should be NACHA for U.S. and CPA for Canada. The Account Type must be correct in order for the bank to accept any transfers. Click the Save button to keep your data.

The final setup will be completed in the G/L Account Maintenance/Inquiry module. In that screen, you will see an EFT Data button at the top right that appears as follows: 

Here you will need to identify any G/L Accounts used for EFT payments via this module. When you enter an Account Number that is also identified as a Bank Account, the EFT Data button will become available. When you click on that button, a General Ledger EFT Data Maintenance box will appear as follows:

The Account Number is your bank account number. The Origination ID and Financial Institution ID field data should come from your bank’s ACH Department. Leave the EFT Number and Next Check/Seq fields with the default settings. Be sure to click Save to keep the data. For existing Account Numbers with history, you can view that history via the box above by clicking the View History button. 


Once setup is complete, the first thing you need to do is access the Payment Selection module to perform a trial run to only test the EFT set up. Click the Only Show EFT Vendors box to proceed. Select a couple of Open Items for an EFT Vendor that has been setup based on instructions above. Again, this is only to test. The next step is to access the Print Checks module—be sure to select a PDF Printer for testing purposes. Select the EFT Export radio button, and then make sure the GL Account field is set to an EFT Bank Account. The screen should look much like the following:

The Starting Wire # is the EFT equivalent of a check # and will automatically advance with each EFT Transfer. When live, the Effective Date may be advanced to a future date, but can never be less than the default date of the following day. Click Run to start the TEST. This will generate two pages: one is similar to a check stub for each Vendor payment and the other is a text file that is for uploading to the bank. Save the bank file with a name that includes the run date. The Vendor file will display like the system laser checks in the stub/check/stub format. This can be given to Installers to act as a pay stub if any are set up on EFT

At the Did Check Print OK? prompt, click NO for the test only! Send the test file to your bank. (Most banks will provide you with ACH test information needed for their ACH Dept.) Please Note: When live, the text file must be sent to the bank right after the EFT Transfer to ensure it goes through and because of the requirement of the Effective Date being at least one day after the current date. You may be able to do this online. Contact your bank’s ACH Dept directly regarding questions on any information they need from your business.

Once the bank verifies proper setup, you will be able to run live data. You can now finish setting up your remaining EFT Vendors. You need to do separate runs for EFT Transfers. Standard check printing should be done completely separate.

For live EFT Transfers:

  1. After clicking the Run button you will get the standard “Printing Complete” followed by the question asking if the checks printed correctly. If you Did Not get both files, they did not print correctly and you should answer NO, otherwise select YES.
  2. After saving the text file, it must be uploaded to the bank to complete the transaction. If for some reason you did not save the file, a copy is also saved locally in the acuthin folder.

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