This report module will produce a Form 1099 for all Vendors that have a Social Security number entered in that field in the Vendor Maintenance module. The system will prompt only amounts paid to a 1099 Vendor in a year and will not include any outstanding Invoices that have been posted in A/P Open Item Maintenance but not actually paid to the Vendor on a system check, as the data is pulled from check history. Additionally, there are print options to use Electronic 1099s or print Total Display on screen. The 1099 data can be called up again by utilizing the Report Year feature and entering a Beginning and Ending Date so you can print and re-print the 1099 data at any time. With regard to Installer Retained Amounts on the 1099, the system will treat the retained amount as taxable income only at the time it is paid back to the installer, most likely at the time he or she no longer performs work for your company.
When you enter this report module, the system will place the cursor at a Print A/P 1099 Form screen as follows:
The TIN Number -1- field is populated from the Payroll System’s Federal Tax Table. Although the Payroll program has been discontinued, access to the Tax Table is still permissible until a change is made. Please contact for assistance. This field can be accessed and changed for each print run, but any change will not save at this time. At the 1099 Type -2- field, use the down arrow key to select an applicable type of form for your current run. The Report Type -3- field is also a drop-down menu, from which to select the type of printer/form to use. Please Note: see below for instructions on generating and downloading Electronic 1099s. The Report Year -4- field will default to the last closed year in the system. Use the drop-down arrow to select a different year. The History -5- option at the top left contains history for previous year Electronic 1099 Data. The Beg & End Date -6- fields will default to the last closed year’s first and last day. You should change these fields if you selected a different Report Year. The Offset -7- fields help with lining up the printed data on the forms. Use the drop-down arrows in each to make adjustments to the default settings. The Vendor ID -8- field will default to **ALL** Vendors, but will only pull the Vendors matching the 1099 Type selection. Only use the Vendor ID button to select a specific Vendor.
Once you have made your selections, if you will be printing to forms, it’s important that you use the Print Test Page -9- button to make sure everything lines up on the form so you can make adjustments if needed. When ready, either click the Excel icon to export the data, or click the Print button to continue. If you selected Total Display in the Report Type field, the system will display any applicable totals on screen in a Count Display box. Any other Report Types will begin printing at this point.
Electronic 1099s have been configured for generating and downloading. The format fits all specifications as detailed in Publication 1220 from the IRS. You will need your 5-digit Transmitter Control Code (TCC) assigned to your business by the IRS. From the Print A/P Form 1099 screen, at the Report Type field, use the drop-down arrow to select Electronic 1099s from the menu. You will then be prompted for your TCC #. The system will then check for the existence of an original file. If it doesn’t find one, it will generate. If it detects one, the system will prompt the following:
You can choose to create a second corrected return by clicking “Yes,” or click “No” to override the existing file. Once saved, you will receive an option to Download the file. As mentioned above, previously saved files are accessible via the History -5- option at the top left of the main screen.