This report is designed to show the detail of the entries from the Sales Journals by Invoice. The report shows ledger balances based on Invoice numbers and verifies what is hitting a certain G/L account. For example, if you see an account on your Sales Journal that shouldn’t be used, or you have a Sales Journal that is out of balance and you need to know how to find the source of the data or out of balance entry, this report will give you that information. This report will pinpoint the job and even the line that created the entry. You can then take the appropriate steps to make any necessary adjustments. When you enter this report module, the screen will appear as follows:
The cursor will be positioned in the Branch (1) field and default to the current branch. Use the drop-down arrow to select **ALL** Branches or another specific branch if applicable. At the Beginning Invoice # (2) field, type in the first Invoice number applicable to this print and hit enter. At the Ending Invoice # (3) field, type in the last Invoice number applicable and hit enter—if you are only wanting to see the detail on one Invoice, enter the same Invoice number in both fields. At the Beginning Invoice Date (4) and Ending Invoice Date (5) fields, use the drop-down arrows to select specific dates in these fields or leave the default settings to capture all dates. And finally, in the “Only print detail for invoices with non-zero Invoice Totals?” (6) box, click to select this option and the system will weed through any invoice detail that is correct and pinpoint any problem invoices. You can then click on the Excel icon (7) to export the data to excel or click the Print (7) button to print to paper or screen. If the system does not find any applicable invoices to print based on the sort criteria selected for a report, the system will alert you to that fact by prompting the following: No Non-Zero Invoice Totals Found in range selected! You can then return to this program to try another sort option. To exit without printing, click the Cancel button.