This is a set-up module that should be completed prior to printing Purchase Orders in the system. This module will allow you to set up a custom header for your Purchase Orders. It works almost identically to the Sales Agreement/Receipt Header Mtc. module explained above. When you enter this module, the screen will appear as follows:
Any existing data will automatically display in the screen above. If you would like to make changes to the Header section, use the cursor to highlight any of the lines 001-005. When a line has been highlighted, it will appear in the Header/Footer field above as follows:
The Number field will display the line number you are editing; it is a display-only field. In the Header/Footer field, you can highlight any portion or all of the text to type in new text where applicable. The green vertical bar in the middle indicates the middle of the section and should be used as a guide to center your text. To move text to the right or left, place the cursor at the beginning of the text and use the “Space Bar” to move it to the right and the “Backspace” key to move it to the left. If any changes are made or new text added, be sure to click the Update button to save your changes—the Enter key will work the same as clicking the Update button to save your changes. You will immediately see the updated text in the screen below. Line 006 indicates that there is “No Footer Section:” on the printed PO, which means that nothing can be added below line 005. When you have finished making changes in the Purchase Order Header Maintenance module, you can exit by clicking the red X at the top right of the screen, hitting the Esc key, or clicking the Exit option at the top left of the screen.