RealPage Invoice Export (Formerly OPS)

RealPage Invoice Export (Formerly OPS)

For RollMaster Property Management dealers who have customers that use RealPage (Ops) Technology, functionality has been incorporated into the RollMaster System to provide Invoice export data in the format that RealPage requires. Functionality has also been added to designate a RealPage customer and for running the files for export in the required format, as well as with the option to print all or partial Branches. Please Note: any questions on uploading the file on the RealPage portal should be addressed with RealPage. To begin using this functionality, Property Management Customers need to be identified as RealPage clients in each applicable Ship To Code Maintenance box as follows:

Check the RealPage (OPS) box and then click the Save button to complete the Customer side setup. With RealPage Customers designated, the system will capture and save applicable data each time the Invoice Register is printed and cleared in the System. To create the export data, you will enter this module to generate the export. You can do this once or twice a week depending on volume and needs. When you enter this module, the screen will appear as follows:

The Register Beginning and Ending Date fields will default to the current date. You can alter these dates to capture all Invoice Register detail since the last export. In the Branch Name box, * All Branches * will be listed at the top and is the default selection. As needed, double-click to select/unselect Branches for the report. Prior to exporting, you can also determine whether to check the Each branch generates its own file box to output separate files by Branch. Click the Export button to proceed. The system will generate the file for uploading into the RealPage website, thus eliminating double-entry. Please Note: this module includes CARE fees in the Tax and Total. CARE only impacts dealers conducting business in the state of California. Additionally, in the Customer Master Listing export to Excel, a column has been added to display a RealPage Account #. The column will appear to the far right of the export data.

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