In this latest version, the system is now storing the Login Company/Branch by the personal computer’s User, so it should default the first time based on the last login record.
- In the previous update, the two “Inventory Requested” reports were merged into one program. In this update, you will now see a single menu item in the Sales Processing Reports Menu 2 of 2 as follows:

No other changes have been made to these reports.
- A couple of updates have been made to the Catalog Maintenance module. The first is two new fields related to B2B Import located in the Cost tab, just under the Pricing Table button. Those appear as follows: Skip B2B Import/Allow New and Ignore B2B Import. There’s a “?” next to those two checkboxes that will display the meaning for each as follows:

There are two additional fields below those as follows: M.A.P. Pricing Required and M.A.P. Pricing. M.A.P. stands for Minimum Advertised Price. These fields are tied to Ecommerce functionality and should only be used if an integrated program, such as WooCommerce, is pulling catalog data into an online website. These two fields would then allow you to set a minimum advertised price.
The final change has to do with text display when an item is changed from Active to Inactive or vice versa. In the History tab, the Field Changed column will display Made Active and Made Inactive when the Active/Inactive button is toggled as follows:

- In the Special Price Mtc. (Date Range Pricing) module, an update was made to the Add / Edit Special Price box. Catalog Unit, Roll, and Qty cost have been added along with accompanying margin display fields as follows:

- The Inventory Merge Management menu item has been removed as it is no longer needed.
- N/A in Q1 2021.
- The PO Notes feature has been expanded to allow multiple pages of Notes. There are two ways to access PO Notes for a particular PO. From the main screen, you can right-click on the PO for a list of options that includes PO Notes. From within the PO screen, click on the Notes icon at the top left as follows:

From within the PO Notes screen, you will now see new options to accommodate multiple pages as follows:

Please Note: this change does NOT apply to PO Line Notes.
- In the Installer Payables module, when a Labor Line is highlighted, if you right-click on the line, a new option appears as follows: View Order. This will take the User directly to the Job in the event data is needed from the Install Date tab. Additionally, at the bottom of the screen, the Install Date field will display “MULTI” if multiple Install Dates exist.
- N/A in Q1 2021.
- N/A in Q1 2021
- N/A in Q1 2021.
- N/A in Q1 2021.
- N/A in Q1 2021.
- N/A in Q1 2021.
- In the main Special Functions menu, menu items 1-3 have been removed. They no longer have functionality in the system. The Special Functions menu now appears as follows:

- In the Vendor Sales export module, changes have been made to the export data to allow for multi-family dealers to report to Greystar. RollMaster keeps track of required updates for Greystar so our dealers remain compliant and benefit from this reporting option. This export data can still be used to send quarterly sales reports to property management companies you do business with, in addition to or instead of reporting to Greystar. Also, because Greystar doesn’t require data on Labor and Special Charge lines, a new checkbox has been added to the bottom of the export screen as follows:

- Changes have been made to the Vendor Café export report. When you enter this screen, you will see a few new options for what data appears on the export as follows:

The default settings for these options are all unchecked. Therefore, if you wish to see Job #, Property Name, and Unit, you need to check those boxes. Also, if the total of Column I and J is $0.00, the system will not display that line unless the 4th box is checked. And finally, to see the Branch ID for the Invoice #, you will need to check that box as well.
- Two new B2B Vendors have been added for 832 exchange as follows: Metropolitan and Elias Wilf. The accessory Product Codes are “yg” for METROPOLITAN ACC/EA and should be 08 Factor ID, “yh” for ELIAS WILF ACCESS/EA and 08 Factor ID.
- A new B2B Product Code has been added to accommodate products coming in on the Nourison catalog import. The new Product Code is “au” for CARPET 12’7”. Since this is a Custom Factor of “15” the Width, etc., fields should be 12.883, 1, 3, 3.
- In the Company Control 1 screen of the System Control Maintenance module, if the control, Inv. Print – Show Roll? is set to “Y” for yes and SSP Printing is used, inventory data will print on the Credit Memo.
- In Leads Processing, the View Lead Audit screen data can now be exported to Excel. In both the main Lead Processing screen and in the Lead Maintenance screen, when you access the View Lead Audit option you will now see an Excel icon at the top left of the screen as follows: