System Control

System Control


The following controls impact all companies within your System, which means that once a control is set, it affects all companies the same. If you are operating only one company in RollMaster, you still need to set these controlsWhen you click on or hit enter on the System Control option from the Select Option menu, the system will prompt another Select Option menu as follows:


When you enter this control level, the screen will appear as follows:

The cursor will be positioned at the Cash Sale Default field. At the bottom of the screen, the system will prompt notes on how to complete each field. In the illustration above, the bottom of the screen is displaying instructions for the Cash Sale Default field as follows:

Control Explanations for System Control Screen:

Cash Sale Default (Y,N)- in the Order Entry/Maintenance module, before you enter a job, the system will prompt you to select either the Over the Counter Sale option or the Job Entry option before proceeding. To save a keystroke, the Cash Sale Default control allows the User to pre-select the default for the option that will be used most frequently. When you need to use the other option you can use the mouse or arrow key to select the other option. The Over the Counter Sale option is designed to process cash & carry transactions, therefore, the only dealers that should set this field to “Y” for yes are stocking dealers primarily specializing in selling in-stock goods. On the other hand, if you install the material you sell, and most of what you sell is considered a “special order,” then this field should be set to “N” for no. 

Minimum Roll Quantity for Assign Function- this field sets the minimum quantity that will display as available Inventory in the system when you assign material to a job. This field applies to roll goods as well as supplies, adhesives, etcRollMaster recommends typing in “.01” in this field. 

Inventory Maintenance Passwordthis field will allow you to password protect your Inventory records. Once a password is entered in this field, only those who know the password will be able to edit/delete the information in an Inventory record. Without the passwordUsers can still view Inventory records, but they cannot make any changes. They can however, perform the following functions: Edit the LocationTransfer the Inventory, and Print Labels. If you do not want certain people to transfer Inventory, you can disable that option through another User Control feature explained below. To skip this field, hit the F2 key. If you do not want your salespeople to even view Inventory records, you can program a password in the System Menu Passwords module (explained below) for the entire Inventory Maintenance program. 

Default Pricing Level (A-J, or S)- in the RollMaster System, you have a couple of different options for setting a default price on the products sold. There are also additional special pricing options available via the Inventory Control menu that should be thoroughly understood to make sure you are using the system to your maximum benefit. The “A-J pricing levels are set in the Catalog (A-J) Pricing Maintenance/Print module accessible from the Inventory Control menu. That module will allow you to program a range of margins for each type of product that you sell. The “S” level pricing is tied to the MSR List Price field in the Catalog Maintenance modulebut is not a recommended default. If you select this default pricing level, you will need to enter a manufacturer suggested retail price in that field for every product and continue to update that field when price changes occur. Refer to the Inventory Control manual section to learn more about each pricing level. You can return to this field at any time to change the default. 

Default Pricing (R)oll, or (C)ut- if you typed in an A, B, C, D, E, F or J as the pricing level in the field above, in this field you will select whether you want the margin to be calculated on the roll--type an “R--price of the product or the cut--type a “C--price. If you typed an S in the field above, this field will not apply. The system will only recognize an “R” or “C, so you will need to enter one or the other to proceed to the next field.

Auto-Compute Pad Quantity- this control, in conjunction with the next two controls, will allow the system to automatically calculate a lesser percentage of carpet pad, based on the amount of carpet on a job. When this control is set to “Y” for yes, you will need to access the next two controls to complete the setup. Also, in Order Entry, the system will first prompt the following in the Find and Add Line Items box: Pad Autocompute Active. You will need to enter a Sale Qty and the system will automatically calculate a Work Qty based on completed setup. When changing a pad line, the system will now prompt a recalculate button (Re-Calc Pad) in the Change a Line Item box for pad items as follows:

If you enter a new Sale Qty, you will then need to click the Re-Calc Pad button to adjust the Work Qty.

Pad Quantity Adjustment %- with the above control set to “Y” for yes, at this prompt, enter a percentage amount, such as “95” for 95%, to allow the system to automatically compute a lesser work quantity percentage based on the Sale Quantity entered.

Product Code Used For Pad- with the above two fields enabled, you must designate a Pad Product Code in this field for the system to recognize, allowing it to complete the automatic adjustment.   

Default Invoice Type (N), (P), or (S)- if you will be using the Nebs (New England Business Systems) preprinted form 9040 for your Invoices, set this field to “N” for Nebs. If you will be using plain paper and creating a header in the system, set this field to “P” for plain paper. A third option is an alternative to the Nebs forms and is called the Standard forms option. This form has a perforated remittance section that can be torn off by the customer and submitted with their payment. Type an “S” at this prompt to select that option. A fourth option is a plain paper invoice with a perforated remittance section that can be torn off by the customer and submitted with their payment. Type a “T” at this prompt to use that option. You must have special forms for either of the last two options. If you would like more information about the special forms needed for the preprinted and plain paper with tear-off options, please Email 

Default Work Order Type (N) or (P)- if you will be using the Nebs preprinted form 9040 for your Work Orders, set this field to “N” for Nebs. If you will be using plain paper, set this field to “P” for plain paper.

Floorplan Work Order in Order Entry- this option has been replaced with the Comment Lines feature in Order Entry. The Add a Room option that pops up allows for creating a list of cuts to display on the Work Order. This option cannot be accessed and will be removed in the graphical update.

Job Cost (J/C) Detail Questions in Accounts Payable- this feature was added to create additional job cost information in the system. It works best for special order and commercial jobs where Vendor Invoices relate to individual jobs. When enabled, this feature will prompt a message in the Accounts Payable Open Item Maintenance module requesting the User to enter the job number that applies to the Vendor Invoice. The data will then report to two modules in the Job Cost menu: Costs By Source View/PrintWork in Process-Costs From A/P. Refer to the Job Cost manual section to learn more about these modules and the information this feature generates.  

Ask for Company ID upon Starting RollMaster- if you are going to run multiple companies on the RollMaster System, set this field to “Y” for yes. The system will then prompt you for a Company ID when you first log on to the RollMaster System. If you are running one company, set this field to “N” for no.

Show Installation Date on Receipt- if you would like to see an Installation Date print out on the system Sales Agreement and/or Receipt, set this field to “Y” for yes. If not, type an “N” for no.

Enter Cost in Quotation Entry- this feature was added to enhance the capabilities of the Quotation/Proposal Maintenance module for commercial dealers. When this feature is enabled, the system will bring up an Edit Material Line box when a material line is added in the Quotation Entry module. You will then be able to enter a cost for the material, labor, and freight along with a desired margin percentage, and the system will automatically calculate the price. Refer to the Sales Processing manual section for more information on this feature. Please Note: With this feature enabled, any special pricing that has been programmed through the Special Pricing Mtc. module will not default in the Quotation module. Dealers who primarily service residential clients and who want special pricing to default in the Quotation module should not enable this option. 

Using custom menus in the User Control level of the system, a commercial menu can be set up for all commercial salespeople so the system will automatically prompt the commercial quote feature without enabling this System Control 1 option. Therefore, if you will be setting up User Id’s in the system, you should leave this option set to “N” for no. This option can easily be changed in the future, so you should carefully review all options and then return to this module to make any necessary changes.

Disable Posting Period Change- if you do not want the flexibility of overriding the G/L Posting Period in various system programs, set this field to “Y” for yes. If you would like to keep the flexibility of changing the G/L Posting Period, set this field to “N” for no. With this feature enabled, the Default Posting Period prompt will not appear in the Deposits and Invoicing options in Order Entry, and you will not be able to change the period in the A/P Print Checks modules. However, you will still be able to change the Posting Period in the A/R Customer Account Maintenance and A/P Open Item Maintenance modules as well as the Post Customer Payments module.

Canadian GST/PST Tax Method- if you are a Canadian dealer, you will want to set this field to “Y” for yes to activate the GST/PST sales tax processing program in the RollMaster System. 

Print Product Type On Proposal- until this feature was added, the Quotation/Proposal print out would list the manufacturer next to each material line. With this feature enabled, that information is now replaced with the Product Type for each item, e.g., CARPETVINYL, etc. Product Type should be added to every Product Code that is created in the system. For more information on Product Types, see Product Code Maintenance in the Inventory Control manual section.

Don’t Print C.O.D. Amount On Work Order- with this feature set to “N” for no, the system will print a customer’s C.O.D. balance on the Work Order and on the C.O.D. Reportprovided the Credit Status field in the Customer Maintenance module for that customer is set to “Y” for yes. You will also need to make sure that a credit limit has not been set for this customer in order for this option to work. (You can look at the Credit Limit field in the Customer Maintenance screen or in the Order Entry screen to determine if a credit limit has been set.) If there are existing customers in the system when this feature is enabled, you will need to access all of those customer data records and enter a “Y” in the Credit Status field if you want this feature to apply to those customers. The Credit Status field can be changed to two other options based on the customer’s credit status. For more information on the Credit Status field, see Customer Maintenance in the Accounts Receivable manual section, or Order Entry in the Sales Processing manual section. For more information on the C.O.D. Report, see Sales Processing Reports in the Sales Processing manual section.

Choose Look-Up Default In System- this option applies to Labor and Special Charge lines in the Order Entry/MaintenanceQuotation/Proposal Maintenance, and Property Management/Builder Templates modules in the system. During the process of entering a Labor or Special Charge line in any of those modules, the system will prompt the following question: Look-Up Item? (Y,N) N. If you change the default to “Y” at this prompt, the system will pull up a Catalog Item look-up screen of either Labor items or Special Charge items—depending on what kind of job line you are entering in the system. Therefore, if you set this System Control 1 option to “Y” for yes, the Look-Up Item default will be changed to “Y,” which means that you will only need to hit the enter key to pull up the Catalog Item look-up screen.  

Disable Show Installer Payment? In Orderin order to use the Job Labor Mtc./Installer Payments module to post installer payments, this prompt should be set to “Y” for yes. RollMaster strongly suggests that all labor payments be posted from that module.

Show Sales Rep I.D. On Receipt- if you would like the Salesperson’s ID to print on the Sales Agreement and Customer Receipt, set this option to “Y” for yes.

Choose Line Print Default On W/O (Y,N)- this control affects the default on a prompt in the Work Order Print module that appears as follows: Only Print Lines that Are Shipping Now (Y,N). To change the default to “Y” for yes, type a “Y” at this option. 

Instruction Sheet On W/O Gets Own Page- this option controls whether the Work Order Instruction Sheets print on a separate page or at the end of the Work Order. Set this option to “Y” for yes to print the Instruction Sheet on a separate page; otherwise, leave the option set to “N” for no.

Allow Edit Of Cost For Labor In W/O- this option controls whether the system will allow changes to the Installer Unit Rate field during Work Order Print processing. To enable this option, set it to “Y” for yes; otherwise, leave the option set to “N” for no.

Invoice Jobs That Have Been Paid- this control was added specifically for dealers who do not want a job invoiced in the system unless and until the Deposits on a job match the Job Total, or in other words until it is paid in full. This is primarily for cash and carry stores and special order retail stores where all money is collected prior to invoicing. If you set this control to “Y” for yes, the system will prevent invoicing on a job until the Deposits total matches the Job Total. If you enable this option but decide at some point to invoice a job or two where money is still owed, you can return to this prompt and change it to “N” for no. When that invoicing is complete, return to this screen and change it back to “Y” for yes.

Return Product Code Setup- this option relates to the Credit/Refund procedures that are performed from the Order Entry/Maintenance module. There are two Special Charge Product Codes that have to be set up in Product Code Maintenance and then typed in the two fields of this control before any credits/refunds can be processed in the system. The first has to do with a material return handling charge and can be titled Handling Charge in the description field of the Product Code—even if you do not currently charge for returns, you should still set this one up. It should be tied to your G/L Revenue account for material sales, unless you would like it to go to another revenue account specifically for handling special charge revenue. The second has to do with refunds to customers where no material is being returned and can be titled Contract Adjustment, or similar, in the description field of the Product Code. It should also be tied to your G/L Revenue account for material sales, unless you prefer it to go to a refunds/allowances revenue account.

Change PST Computation On (C)on. Job- this control only applies to Canadian customers on contract jobs (meaning a “C” for Contract appears in the Contract/Inv. field of the Order Entry screen). With this control enabled, The PST will be figured on the cost of the job and the GST will be calculated on the sale price and then added to the sale price. Also, the PST cost will be Debited to Cost of Goods Sold and Credited to Sales Tax during invoicing.

When you have entered through the last field in the System Control 1 screen, the system will prompt the following: System Control Save Changes (Y,N): _. You will need to type a “Y” for yes to save any changes made in this screen. The system will then place the cursor back at the Select Option menu. 


When you enter the System Control 2 level, the screen will appear as follows:

Control Explanations for System Control 2 Screen:

Send Tax to CGS on U.S. (C)on. Job- if this control is set to “N” for no, on Contract (Use Tax) jobs, the system subtracts the use tax amount from the total sale. However, many customers prefer that it not reduce the sale, but instead, increase cost. With this control set to “Y” for yes, the system will now send the use tax amount as an expense to the corresponding Cost of Goods account tied to the material on the job and the Sale/Revenue account amount will not be reduced.

Work in Progress – Print Vendor- this control only impacts the Detailed JC View/Print (Owner’s Version) module located in the Owner’s Function menu. With this control set to “Y” for yes, the system will now display the Vendor IDPO NumberQuantity, and the Roll & Dye Lot information below each assigned material line. If inventory is assigned on the line but no PO Number exists, the system will not display a Vendor ID and the PO Number will display as “000000.”  

Include freight – PST Canada (C)on- this control only applies to Canadian customers. With this control set to “Y” for yes, the system will calculate PST on freight costs. 

Disable Period Change Deposits- this control was added for customers wanting to remove the Default Posting Period prompt from just the Deposit and Receive Money programs, but still have it appear during invoicing. There is an existing System Control 1 option that will disable the Posting Period prompt during invoicing and deposit posting; if that control is currently set to “Y” for yes, this control will have no impact. However, if you set the first control to “N” for no, you can then set this control to “Y” for yes to disable the Default Posting Period in Deposits and Receive Money programs. 

Use Sale Inv. Period for J/C Jnl- this control is only accessible if the Date Driven G/L functionality has NOT been turned on. If it hasn’t, this control defaults to “N” for no for everyone, and that is the recommended setting. If set to “N” for no, when a Job is Invoiced and the A/P Bills post, during the Review PO process, if costs are adjusted, the system makes a Job Cost Journal Entry to the period the Vendor Invoice is being posted and the cost is being adjusted. If set to “Y” for yes, the Journal Entry would post to the period the original Sales Invoice was processed, which could be the prior period or even a period before.

C/M Handling Charge Taxed (Y/N)- if this control is set to “Y” for yes, tax will automatically be added to the handling charge. For Canadian customers, GST will automatically be added since this is considered a Special Charge line. If this control is set to “N” for no, no U.S. tax will be added to the handling charge but GST for Canadian customers will still apply based on additional changes made to the system specifically for Canadian customers.

Cust. Pay Reg. Selection Option- when set to “Y” for yes, this option will prompt the newest Customer Payment Register features. This change allows a User to select individual Depositsand then clear only those selected by a User-determined date, instead of clearing all at the same time and date. Most customers should have their system prompting this option, as clearing Deposits becomes a much more User-friendly process with this feature enabled. Please review Customer Payment Register section of the current manual for a complete description of this functionality.

Force CAPS Lock (w/ Exclusions)- the default setting for this control is “N” for no. To force ALL CAPS without turning on and off the Caps Lock key on your keyboard, set this control to “Y” for yes. Where ALL CAPS are required, the system will force capital letters. Where it is not needed, such as in NotesHeadersFootersEmail, etc., the system will allow upper/lower case with this control enabled. Please Note: You will need to exit the system and enter back in for this feature to take effect.

Copy Cust Changes Between Comps- this control is specific to multi-company operations. With this control set to “Y” for yes, a Please Enter Companies box will prompt as follows:

This setting specifies which companies will share customers. When a Customer ID is added to either Company, it will be added to both automatically. When a Ship To Code is added, it will be added to both automatically. When a Customer ID or Ship To Code are edited from Customer Maintenance, the system will save both automatically. When a Customer Sold To is edited from a Quote or Order, the system will update both companies automatically.

When you have entered through the last field in the System Control 2 Maintenance screen, the system will prompt the following: System Control 2 Save Changes (Y,N): _. You will need to type a “Y” for yes at this prompt to save any changes that were made in this screen. The system will then place the cursor back at the Select Option menu. 

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