Terms & Disclaimer Maintenance

Terms & Disclaimer Maintenance

Within the RollMaster System, you can upload various PDF files containing additional TermsDisclaimersDisclosures, etc. information to be printed along with one, some, or all customer documents. This feature is highly customizable in terms of what triggers the PDF to prompt for printing, so the possibilities are considerable. Please Note: the Foxit Reader app is required to be installed in order for this feature to work. 

This feature allows you to add key documents for customer consideration that can be triggered to print based on custom variables. Some document possibilities include a General Terms & Conditions page to print with every Sales Agreement; an Acclimation Warning for Wood/Laminate to print with Sales Agreements only when wood/laminate is sold; a Labor Pre-installation Checklist to print on all Sales Agreements where Labor appears on a Job; a Return/Claims Policy to print on all Invoices, which can be different based on type of product sold, and on and on.

Customizable options for each PDF include by Branch or for the entire Company, any combination of QuoteSales AgreementInvoice, or Work Order; triggered by a specific Product Type or Product Code, and they can each be set to RequiredSuggested, or Optional to print at the discretion of the User.   

When you select a graphical printer to print a QuotationSales AgreementInvoice, or Work Order, you will follow all the same steps for printing. Prior to actual printing, the system will prompt a Select Documents To Print box as follows:

All documents tied to the specific customer document you are printing will appear in the box above. Any that are set to Suggested or Required will automatically prompt “Y” in the Print column. To add an Optional file, double-click on the item to add it to the print que. You can also double-click on Suggested files to remove from print que. Click the Continue button to begin printing all documents.

Setup, uploading, and editing of PDF files takes place in the System Maintenance module under the Document Maintenance Menu option. At the very bottom of this menu, you will see a new option as follows: Terms / Disclaimers Maintenance. When you enter this module, a Terms & Disclaimer Document Maintenance screen will appear as follows:

Any existing PDF documents will appear in the screen above. To upload a new PDF, click the Upload New PDF button at the top left and select a file from your hard drive. It will appear in the screen above for you to edit the Print Settings. All columns, aside from the Filename column, can be edited by clicking on a line to prompt the customizable Print Settings options screen as follows:

After a new file has been uploaded, you will see a blank Print Settings screen, just like the one above, but without any presets so you can complete the settings applicable to the file. The first four fields (1) will allow you to create an internal Description for the file, select a specific Branch, or leave the **All** default setting, select a specific Product Type, or leave the **All** default setting, and/or select a specific Product Code, or leave the **All** default setting.  

The Apply To Documents (2) box defaults to blank. You must make a selection of one or more Documents to prompt the file to print. The All option will prompt the file to print for all listed Documents. The WO – Staged and WO – Shipping allows for assigning different documents to each Print Mode of the Work Order. The Print Requirement (3) box allows you to determine whether the file prints despite what the User wants or based on User discretion. The Optional requirement displays the option for the User to print the file. The Suggested requirement makes a stronger suggestion to print, but doesn’t require a print. The Required option will print the file without the User needing to make a decision. 

When you make any edits to a file, a Save button will appear at the bottom right of the screen as follows:

Be sure to click this button to keep any changes. The system will prompt a Settings Saved! message when complete.


Two additional options are available from the screen above. When you right-click on an existing file, the system will prompt two options as follows: Delete Document View. When you select the Delete Document option, the system will prompt the following:

You will need to click the Yes button to permanently delete the file. The View button will prompt your PDF viewer and display the file on screen.

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