Vendor Sales Excel Export

Vendor Sales Excel Export

This module is essentially an Excel report to allow for tracking sales by Vendor, and also works for exporting needed data to Greystar. The exported data includes a column for Invoice Paid Date. In addition to tracking of unpaid items that qualify for rebates, this module also benefits multi-family dealers who need to report quarterly sales to the management companies they do business with and also for multi-family dealers to report to Greystar. RollMaster keeps track of required updates for Greystar so our dealers remain compliant and benefit from the reporting option. When you enter this module, the screen will prompt a Vendor Sales screen as follows:



Because Greystar doesn’t require data on Labor and Special Charge lines, a checkbox appears at the bottom of this screen as follows: Exclude Labor/Special. Additionally, the report data can be customized by Customer, Property Manager, and Vendor, as well as for a range of Invoice dates. The data that exports to Excel can be further customized to what you need to provide to each company.

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